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Santhosh casting  S V arts and creations

S V arts and creations

Casting Director Hyderabad

Hi.. we want new faces female actors and models for acting and modeling..we have some national,international brands for modeling .and we are started new 2movies in diffirant languages with experienced director and actors .wanted new actress and femal...

Hi.. we want new faces female actors and models for acting and modeling..we have some national,international brands for modeling .and we are started new 2movies in diffirant languages with experienced director and actors .wanted new actress and female actors supporting roles ...age 18 to 45 . WANTED ... 1) leed roles (heroines) ... 4 mem 2) sisters and friend roles..10 mem 3) mother and character artists..20 mem 4) supporting roles ... 10 mem 5) dancers 5 members 6) nagative roles 4 mem it is the good way to get the chance in movies and modeling..intrested girls and lady's send me ur portfolio are images to my whatsupp are mail me.. contact..9030212062 whatsup..9030212062 mail..santhosh.casting2062@gmail.com

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By Location Hyderabad
I represent Casting Director
Looking for model
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actor model singer photographer musician graphics & motion artist writer painter dancer anchor voice-over artist stylist filmmaker advertising professional stand-up comedian
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