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Divya chadha

Divya Chadha


322 Profile Views


 Lives in Delhi Ncr

 Hindi, English

About me

Divya chadha is a Delhi NCR-based female Wellness expert. Divya chadha speaks Hindi and English. Divya chadha is available for work in Delhi. Her age is 40 years. View Divya chadha's portfolio with images and photos on Talentrack. Contact Divya chadha by phone or e-mail on Talentrack.


Diet and wellness clinic

Hi, this is Divya Chadha(nutritionist) ,feel free to call for weight loss , weight gain, night shifters, pregnancy, lactating mothers, child obesity, diseases like diabetes, cardio- vascular,thyroid disorders, etc, problems like high cholesterol , low haemoglobin, high billirubin, high uric acid,gastric problems, Deficiency of vit ABCDEK, hair loss, dull skin. First Free Consultation-special attraction- BMI Calculation, IBW, Diet Modification Ph no- 9560800996


1st Jun, 2013 - 1st Jan, 2028

Diet and wellness clinic

Hi, this is Divya Chadha(nutritionist) ,feel free to call for weight loss , weight gain, night shifters, pregnancy, lactating mothers, child obesity, diseases like diabetes, cardio- vascular,thyroid disorders, etc, problems like high cholesterol , low haemoglobin, high billirubin, high uric acid,gastric problems, Deficiency of vit ABCDEK, hair loss, dull skin. First Free Consultation-special attraction- BMI Calculation, IBW, Diet Modification Ph no- 9560800996


1st Jun, 2013 - 1st Jan, 2028

Diet and wellness clinic

Hi, this is Divya Chadha(nutritionist) ,feel free to call for weight loss , weight gain, night shifters, pregnancy, lactating mothers, child obesity, diseases like diabetes, cardio- vascular,thyroid disorders, etc, problems like high cholesterol , low haemoglobin, high billirubin, high uric acid,gastric problems, Deficiency of vit ABCDEK, hair loss, dull skin. First Free Consultation-special attraction- BMI Calculation, IBW, Diet Modification Ph no- 9560800996


1st Jun, 2013 - 1st Jan, 2028

Diet and wellness clinic

Hi, this is Divya Chadha(nutritionist) ,feel free to call for weight loss , weight gain, night shifters, pregnancy, lactating mothers, child obesity, diseases like diabetes, cardio- vascular,thyroid disorders, etc, problems like high cholesterol , low haemoglobin, high billirubin, high uric acid,gastric problems, Deficiency of vit ABCDEK, hair loss, dull skin. First Free Consultation-special attraction- BMI Calculation, IBW, Diet Modification Ph no- 9560800996


1st Jun, 2013 - 1st Jan, 2028

Diet and wellness clinic

Hi, this is Divya Chadha(nutritionist) ,feel free to call for weight loss , weight gain, night shifters, pregnancy, lactating mothers, child obesity, diseases like diabetes, cardio- vascular,thyroid disorders, etc, problems like high cholesterol , low haemoglobin, high billirubin, high uric acid,gastric problems, Deficiency of vit ABCDEK, hair loss, dull skin. First Free Consultation-special attraction- BMI Calculation, IBW, Diet Modification Ph no- 9560800996


1st Jun, 2013 - 1st Jan, 2028


Hindi, English

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Wellness Expert
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Divya chadha



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Delhi NCR




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