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Barry John

Barry John Acting Studio

Established in: 1999

Barry John Acting Studio operates under the Theatre in Education Trust, a non-profit association whose goals are to spread knowledge of and interest in theatrical and media arts through education. BJAS is also associated with Imago Media Company Pvt Ltd which has interests in film and television production.

About Barry John Acting Studio

Barry John Acting Studio offers acting and filmmaking courses that answer to the needs of both beginning and experienced professional actors and filmmakers.

BJAS acting courses are inspiring and empowering, incorporating up-to-date and comprehensive techniques and methods. Without academic theory and jargon, the courses are a progressive series of exercises and projects that are practical and experiential.

The courses are rigorous and intensive, demanding a high degree of commitment, energy and perseverance. When these qualities are in evidence, the objective of encouraging actors to be self-aware, self-reliant and self-confident is achievable.

The Diploma in Film Acting courses in both Delhi and Mumbai are carefully designed to equip students with a mature level of physical, mental and emotional skills to meet the demands of professional work in film, television and theatre.

Weekend Certificate and college Foundation part-time courses introduce students to the world of theatre and film acting with an emphasis on expression and personal development.

Young Actors Club workshops, for children aged 8 to 15, encourage students to freely express themselves in a creative and supportive environment where every child is equally valued.

The mission of Barry John Acting Studio is to further enhance its reputation of being the foremost training centre in India, and to assist in raising the level of professionalism in films and media to compare with the highest in the world.

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